Australian Government
Hearing Services Program

Accent Hearing provides services to eligible clients approved by the Hearing Services Program. These services include the provision of hearing assessments, the cost of pre-approved hearing instruments / assistive listening devices and their fitting, contribution to the ongoing maintenance and repair of hearing devices.

Client services for eligible Pensioners and Veterans

Are you?

How do I apply?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions you can go to the Hearing Services Program website or visit us at Accent Hearing 23 Queen Street, Grafton or alternatively phone us on 1300 859 828. 

What am I entitled to?

Being part of the Hearing Services Program entitles you to a comprehensive hearing assessment with an associated hearing rehabilitation program. If eligible for the program, you could receive fully or partially subsidised hearing devices or an assistive listening device (ALD). Additional accessories can include remote controls and Bluetooth connectivity to smart devices, however this may incur extra costs payable by you.

Maintenance Agreement

An annual Maintenance Agreement is recommended which will cover you for the costs of minor maintenance, repairs and batteries for your device/s which involves a client contribution, indexed each year. Please note, if you do not wish to enter into a Maintenance Agreement, the full cost of any servicing (including repairs outside the warranty period) and costs for batteries will be at your own expense. Partially subsidised devices may incur a higher maintenance fee.